Social Sciences & Psychology

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Training to Reduce Anxiety Level in Foster Children of Sanggar X

Volume: 45  ,  Issue: 1 , January    Published Date: 29 January 2020
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 770  ,  Download: 529


# Author Name
1 Linota Dasril Mamayo
2 Nilam Widyarini


Sanggar X was founded on the concerns of its chairman, over the problems often faced by street musicians. Foster children in Sanggar X feel anxiety because of various problems they face both at home, school, or when they are working on the streets. The purpose of this research is to reduce the anxiety level of Sanggar X foster children by using Self-Talk, Imagery, and Cognitive Restructuring training. The subjects in this study consisted of 15 Sanggar X foster children, Cibinong. Training is carried out by giving pre-test, conducting training, giving post-test and evaluating training. Pre-test and post-test in this study used the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale questionnaire. The results of this study were a decrease in anxiety levels in 15 foster children of Studio X. The training conducted for foster children tends to be effective because of several things, such as giving an example by the trainer every time the theory is delivered, active foster children in practicing the skills that have been taught, exercises that are easy and can be done anywhere, and the suitability of training with problems that are they face.


  • rational emotive behaviour therapy
  • self-talk
  • imagery
  • cognitive restructuring
  • sanggar x