Arts Literature & Linguistics

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Grammatical Errors of English Descriptive Texts Written by Sixth Grade Students of Multi-Q Elementary School

Volume: 97  ,  Issue: 1 , March    Published Date: 18 March 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 500  ,  Download: 365 , Pages: 101 - 107    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP100971320222968


# Author Name
1 Ni Kadek Lita Supartiwi
2 I Nyoman Suparwa
3 I Made Madia


The entitled of this study is ?Grammatical Errors of English Descriptive Texts Written by Sixth Grade Students of Multi-Q Elementary School?. This study aims at finding and describing the types of error found in students? descriptive texts. Descriptive text is one type of texts in writing that is usually used in the level of elementary school especially in sixth grade. To make a good written text, the students must be able to master and apply the structure correctly. But in fact, many students still face difficulties when they make English composition and cause grammatical errors in their writing. The theory used in this study is from Dulay about types of error. The data were analyzed qualitatively. The method that used in this research is observation method. The technique used to collect the data are divided into: asking permission to the headmaster of Multi-Q Elementary School, giving blank paper to the students to make descriptive text with a free topic, and collecting the texts are made by the students. The process of data analyzing were: the errors were found by reading every sentence carefully, find out the errors and classifying them according to the types of error. In this research, there are four types of errors namely: omission, addition, misformation, and misordering.


  • Writing
  • Grammatical Errors
  • Descriptive Texts